If you are going to make a statue make one as awesome as this. Havana has parks everywhere.
"Porque somos de España en Lorca,en Machado, en Miguel. Porque España es la última mirada de sol del Pablo nuestro. Porque no hemos nunca medido el tamaño de los molinos de viento y sentimos bajo nuestros talones el costillar de Rocinante."
There are literally infinite variety on offer but the cheap stuff is mostly key rings and fridge magnate for 1 CU. You could easily spend all your cash just buying this stuff. Resist the urge to buy from the first person you see and its often best to only buy a few at a time because better stuff is always around the corner.
I am not sure how you will be able to carry some of this stuff on the plane back home but in the next post I will show some of the larger stuff on offer.
You have got to remember to backup your files before your computer crashes out completely and you lose everything. So while I was doing that I have a fresh set of 2016 Cuba pictures that were left on the cutting board. Dont be surprised if I post a whole new set later. Everything is going to be fine.
One of seven major plazas or districts in Havana. Part of a 35 year restoration project started in 1980. As with everywhere else around Havana you can either just take a 10 CUC taxi to the location or take a $35 CUC bus tour which will let you learn more about the area than just reading wikipedia. Your mileage may vary based on how well your guide can speak the english language. There is also a large catherdral that has a bell tower!