
The shadow project, page 3

Stand in the sun and take a picture of your shadow. submit your own photo

Early morning

written by owen, published 2009-Jul-31, comment

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Half way tree, jamaica

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shadow reference

written by faith, published 2008-Dec-22, comment

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I took a set of pictures of me in sort of a dark contrasty environment so I could have something to refer to when trying to learn how to shade faces. I like how this one shows my age so well. I'm 29. These have actually helped a lot!

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owen commented: Happy Birthday, New Year, Christmas! [confident] ... read 6 more


written by owen, published 2008-Mar-25, comment

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If you walk far enough, the beach meets the forest

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mother son

written by owen, published 2008-Feb-07, comment

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I hate getting up early

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Ann (Mobay DP) commented: Love this :) Whenever I see scenes like this I always think, "He's so tiny to be going to school and with usuch a big bag". ... read 5 more

Wha' Gwaan

written by Mad Bull, published 2008-Jan-28, comment

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He doesn't look like he wants to kill me, but I had better keep an eye on that big dangerous creature with the camera.

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Leon commented: He looks ready to drop his tail and run. ... read 1 more