bus 2
written by owen, published 2004-Jul-29, comment

Kingston, Jamaica. Now this is at about 9 o'clock at night. I changed some camera settings so now the windows look like there on fire but it's not so - really.
photos outside in public, transit or waiting. submit your own photo
written by owen, published 2004-Jul-29, comment
Kingston, Jamaica. Now this is at about 9 o'clock at night. I changed some camera settings so now the windows look like there on fire but it's not so - really.
Yamfoot commented: I haven't been on a bus in donkeys years, about 20 years maybe. It looks quite new inside. ... read more
written by owen, published 2004-Jun-19, comment
The sign says "Donot block intersection"
written by owen, published 2004-Jun-07, comment
The project team when to a resort near the north coast for the weekend. Completely disrupting my free/do nothing weekend which I absolutely need to stay alive. So I lost the jet ski key big deal, why doesn't it float - I don't know maybe they haven't invented such floating key chain thingys as yet.
Every now and then I have to deal with customer service people. Often times they are cute women and often times not. But the vixen from hell usually pray on nice polite guys like my self. Not that I hate her at all, no. I know she has had a bad day, everyday and that soon she'll die of stupidity but please can I get some help over here? What am I doing wrong? Sometime I wish I could just download everything off the internet - the internet is my friend.
Side project: so I'm doing this local stock market challenge thing and they give everybody 25,000 US of fake money to buy real stocks on the NASDAQ. At the ned of august the person with the most money will be the winner. Luckily you can see who's at the top of the list and I'm down by 2000 US dollars. Any body know any good stock I can buy? I need ticker codes like APPL.
Members: I'm still adding the stuff the page the style editing thing (ala waferbaby) will be up when I wake up.
roseability commented: <cite>So I lost the jet ski key big deal, why doesn't it float</cite> hurhur! very amusing ;) ... read more
written by owen, published 2004-Jun-04, comment
Pedestrians usually wait for taxis, buses, etc. One of the only spots in where it isn't blazing hot. New kingston jamaica. Corollas are predominantly used as taxis.
strainer10 commented: I know this place...in front of Dyoll on Knustford boulevard. I take the bus there..pretty nice spot still the girls are always out. ... read 1 more
written by Owen, published 2004-May-25, comment
sometimes you need mulitple buses to be actually one bus. So you have this section that is somewhat flexible so that it can turn corners.
lameo commented: Riiiiiiggghhttt .... dont be fooled ... its to rack up more bucks ... read more