Technicality - The bells and whistles
This a custom built php/mysql application that i've been building over the past couple of years. it may seem simple but it is a product of years of user testing, research and development. it encompasses every buzzword known to man; ajax/ css/ mvc/ rss/ xml/ templating/ xhtml. it even has anti-spam filters on the forms. you can even view the source of any page that your viewing by adding /source/ to the link. Its the best thing since slice bread.
The site is written by the author using php and mysql. If you like to change your site alot it's a good idea not to build it in the root folder
Server Side Scripting
The website uses PHP to render nearly all pages sent to the user. The GD library is used manipulate most image files. Data from the database is combined with html templates to create each page.
Custom Objects written solely to make the site easier to manage:
- Error Manager (multi-page multi-error tracking and system status with flood control)
- Mysql Database Layor (with query and data caching)
- Session Manager
- Settings Manager
- Template Manager (inline, parses php)
- Log Manager
The site database runs on mysql. A fast, open source database. In case of emergency (as of 5/28/2006 12:59 PM) I also maintain a static version of the entire site in flat HTML files. This static version is pre-built page by page as a page is requested so every combination of URI is accounted for, enabling the site to run without any MYSQL DB hits.
Client Side
XHTML 1.1 strict utilizing CSS and Javascript. Content separated from Layout. Utilises two headings "content" and "menu" instead of the common skip menu link. There is no heading text, so the page title isn't repeated in the body of the site.
The <meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX, FOLLOW">
tag is used on specific sections of the website to prevent the polution of the web and google with useless noise.
The page also uses titles in order to make the links show the little popup tooltips.
Though all the pages are quite simple, just in case you think I'm lying you can now see the live PHP code that is used to generate each and every page. When logged in append the folder "source/" to the URL. Example if you are on "/v4/archive/2006/" add "source/" to the address like so "/v4/archive/2006/source/". It only works up to 3 levels deep and you cannot see the index page or the class implementations. But you can see how each page is generated and how the templates are referenced. You can even click on the template function in the source view to see the block of html for which it cooresponds. Register and log in if your interested. You might even learn something about my DB structure.