June 2023
BEST CATCH EVER ON THE KAYAK! Surprise Catch Fishing For Food In Trinidad! Catch & Cook - Baked Fish 

RESET w/ ME | SUMMER TRY-ON CLOTHING HAUL ft. Temu | NEW NAILS | LUNCH DATE + more | #Suemmervlog 26
International Reggae Poster Contest Auction On Saturday July 1, 2023 the National Gallery of Jamaica will be hosting a charity auction of the posters from The 29th Art of Reggae Exhibition and Maria Papaefstathiou’s The Queens of Reggae series. The event will mark the closing of the exhibition and all proceeds will go towards The Alpha Institute. The event begins […]
NGJ Welcomes Mrs. Ritu Banga, World Bank On Wednesday June 14, 2023 the National Gallery of Jamaica was visited by Mrs. Ritu Banga, wife of the President of the World Bank, Mr. Ajay Banga. Mrs. Banga was met on arrival by the Chairman of the Board, Sen. The Hon. Tom Tavares-Finson, the Executive Director of the Institute of Jamaica, Mr. Leslie Harrow […]