@SOFTNEWSMAG - Video Blogs, Vlogs
Video Blogs, Vlogs
We are all stars. Do it for the vlog.
November 2022
5 REASONS WHY I WONT WORK A NORMAL JOB EVER AGAIN! Storytime (no 9-5/dream of labor) | Annesha Adams 

JLP supporters breaking the laws for JLP conference /MALIE and KRAFF in tangles/KRAFF, is he BRITISH 

shelby's secrets-youtubers i'll never collab with again, going bald, friendship breakup ft Lavy Hair 

VLOG - Valiant + Jashii Concert, HUGE Shein bag haul,Natural Hair Salon, gardening,rainy days & more 

5 THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE 25 & u should too(Credit Score,Relationship,Career goals,failure+ more