@SOFTNEWSMAG - Internet and Web Culture
Internet and Web Culture
Changes in the internet landscape are frequent and swift. Something is always happening. It is often hard to keep track of it all. SOmething seem weird that now will be common place in the future and everyone with act like they didn't see it here first.
January 2018
Beyond Naughty Processors. The world is abuzz with stuff about the Intel bugs – so much so that Meltdown and Spectre are explained by xkcd better to the masses than most technical articles. It’s as if the world woke up and saw a small bit of what can happen within computing systems and, unfortunately for Intel, gets branded with Intel. Did I … Continue reading Beyond Naughty Processors.
December 2017
Google Chrome Update Allows Mute of Autoplay Videos – and More. If you’re a human, you probably have more than one tab open in your browser right now – and that means that sometime in the past, you had to hunt through tabs to find out which tab hid the video that the over-exuberant marketers hid in one of your tabs. Fear no more. In the … Continue reading Google Chrome Update Allows Mute of Autoplay Videos – and More.
Understanding Frankensystems When I was just a software engineer in the eyes of managers, I usually got tossed into undocumented complex systems that nobody could figure out easily, largely because they were… undocumented. What overwhelmed and/or intimidated others was exciting for me – exploring something new, understanding how it worked. I’d developed a toolset for exactly that, finding … Continue reading Understanding Frankensystems
November 2017